A patch of wall-screw moss grows on a log in the sunshine.

Red in the sunlight,
wall-screw moss grows in soft lines
like a universe.

The silhouette of a person and tree trunks over a forest floor covered with newly fallen colorfyl leaves in autumn.

It’s coming undone,
the tree that lost all its leaves,
shadow in daylight.

A large cloud bank against a blue sky over a river in autumn.

We’re swallowed by it —
the clouds making a bright sheen
on the wide river.

A Beech tree in a forest carved with initials, hearts, and designs.

Totem in the woods,
Beech tree carved with initials,
hearts fused in the knots.

A sandhill crane feeding on acorns in grass near a forest edge.

Body smooth as stone,
neck like a flying kite tail —
sandhill crane in fall.

A clump of orange marigolds blooming.

Unfazed by cold nights,
marigolds in October
grow like there’s no end.

The sun sets behind a shilhouetted old-growth forest.

The curtain of night
closes on the old forest
you and I walk through.

The sun reflected in a marsh among grasses and lily pads at the edge of a small lake.

At the evening marsh,
the sun and the lily pads
float in the grasses.

Two shadows on a bridge cast on a river with Canadian Geese floating.

At the bridge’s edge
we’re thrown into the river
by long warm shadows.

Three deer feed on a river bank among trees changing color in October.

Peace at the river,
deer feed on the other side,
birdsong in all ears.

Milkweed gone to seed in early fall on a sunshiney day.

Milkweed mechanics —
the stalk, husk, seed, fluff, and wind,
like a bird perched, flown.

Sunlight on the current of a shallow river.

It reaches for me —
late sunlight on the river,
not too late for me.