A cancelled floral stamp in a small dish.

The world of others
is a comfort and burden —
the goodnights, goodbyes.

An early evening blue sky with mackerel sky clouds gathering at sunset.

The sky telling me
that September is coming,
I must change again.

Sun setting over a river on a summer evening.

Crickets sing all day
in this drifting August time,
before and after.

Underwater grasses in a river seen from above on a summer evening.

I can’t let it go,
my want of something precious,
something beloved.

Tall cattail leaves blowing in the breeze on a summer evening.

Light catches the tips
of long summer cattail leaves
like lines drawn in ink.

A grasshopper perched on a cattail on a summer evening.

Under the blue moon,
on the warm swaying cattail,
the grasshopper sleeps.

The Huron River with sun on it on a summer evening.

Alone, I’m walking,
as the river current goes,
and things fall apart.

Abstracted pencil signature of the word "Jen" colored repeated and colored with markers.

Message from the stars—
they say that I’m not alone,
that I’m not alone.

A beach morning glory growing out of a dark thicket with a bloom resting on the curb.

Beach morning glory,
growing in the dark thicket,
blooming at the curb.

Two sunflowers in full bloom with a large leaf covered with yellow pollen.

Pollen on its leaves,
like paint spatters or stardust,
summer sunflower.

A Wild Carrot photgraphed from below looking towards blue skyn and bright sun.

Fields and fields of them,
the ferocious Wild Carrot,
thin neck, adorned head.