Posts tagged lake michigan
Closeup of water in the surf of a Lake Michigan.

Waves pulling away
in the morning as we search
the sky for rainstorms.

The shadows of two people cast on a calm great lake in morning sun with storm clouds at the horizon.

The warm morning lake,
a storm at the horizon,
catches our shadows.

An old white door of a Native American church with simple, fine engarvings on the panels.

The tender white door
in the middle of the woods,
at the blue lake’s shore.

Birchbark-framed painting of Lady of the Mohawks inside St. Ignatius Church, Good Hart, Michigan.

Inside the small church
Lily of the Mohawks stands
with her arms open.

A black and white dog smelling a small bunch of lavender in the outdoor sun.

Her name, Carina,
the dog at the gallery
just north of Good Hart.