A Red Admiral butterfly with lightly torn wings feeding on a purple coneflower in the sun.

Wings torn like paper,
the temporary wonders
of flight and being.

A monarch butterfly feeding on a swamp milkweed.

These wings are stately,
I can hear the sound they make
circling the milkweed.

A monarch butterfly feeding on a swamp milkweed with a black and white dog in the background in tall grass.

Swamp milkweed, monarch,
evening at the river,
my dog in tall grass.

A wild teasel with purple blooms emerging in early summer with a bee feeding on it.

Purple blooms sprouting,
the wild teasel and the bee
meet each other here.

A pink sky with wispy clouds above a treeline at daybreak.

Pink sky at daybreak,
a song sparrow lives nearby
and sings all day long.

A fritillary butterfly feeding on a milkweed bloom.

The thoroughgoing
of the June fritillary
on the milkweed bloom.